Anterior Hip Replacement

Anterior Hip Replacement Arlington, Va

Chronic joint pain in the hip is a common problem people of all ages can suffer from. Taking care of yourself at a young age can help improve your chances of living a healthy life at an older age. However, hip pain can arise because of various factors, including being injured in a motor vehicle accident or falling or arthritis. There are two options when it comes to treating chronic hip pain: posterior hip replacement and anterior hip replacement.


Today, most orthopedic surgeons offer anterior hip replacement because it is minimally invasive. The ideology is that a more minimally invasive surgery allows for quicker recovery times and earlier mobilization post-surgery. Less pain, faster recovery, and full return to functioning is always our goal at OrthoBethesda in Arlington, VA.

After a full consultation, our team will discuss whether the posterior approach or anterior approach is a better fit based on your circumstances. If you require a total joint replacement, the trusted and experienced team at OrthoBethesda can review your situation and recommend the appropriate joint replacement surgery. Don’t let hip and knee pain dominate your life. Call us today to schedule a consultation.

What are the Differences Between Anterior and Posterior Hip Replacement Surgeries?

The anterior approach to total hip replacement is nothing new. This method was invented more than 50 years ago, but statistics show that the anterior option is only used between 15 and 20 percent of full hip replacement cases. However, this does not mean that the anterior method is the wrong option for you.

As orthopedic surgeons strive to provide patients with an overall positive surgical experience, anterior hip replacement surgery is starting to become more common. The only factors that affect why the posterior approach remains more popular are that special training and equipment are generally necessary to successfully perform anterior hip replacement surgery. Also, many surgeons believe posterior hip replacement provides them better visibility of the hip joint during the operation.

The main goals of anterior and posterior surgeries are the same: to remove damaged cartilage from the socket of the hip and to remove the femur’s damaged head. The differences between the two procedures for an anterior hip replacement include the following:

  • Point of entry: The surgeon will enter the front of your hip with the anterior procedure using an incision of four or five inches in length. The incision location for the posterior method is on the back of the hip and between 10 and 12 inches in length.
  • Muscle detachment: Major muscles must be cut to access the hip using posterior hip replacement, however, since there are few of these major ones in the front of the hip, the surgeon can easily avoid them.
  • Hospitalization: If you choose the anterior replacement route, you will be released from the hospital within three days, a very short hospital stay. If you choose a posterior hip replacement, you will need to stay in the hospital in Virginia for three to 10 days.
  • Recovery: Posterior hip replacement requires recovery time ranging from two to four months because of the items that must be cut. Anterior hip replacement requires recovery time ranging from two to eight weeks, allowing you to return to normal activities sooner.

What to Expect During Anterior Hip Replacement Surgery

If you decide to schedule minimally invasive hip surgery with minimal soft tissue trauma, it’s important that you have a solid understanding of what will take place during the anterior hip replacement procedure in the hospital, which includes the following:

  • The skin around the area where the incision will be made and any hair present will be shaved
  • The front of the hip joint will be the location where the surgeon makes the incision
  • In order for the surgeon to see the hip joint, he or she will need to separate the muscles, hopefully without cutting through any muscles
  • Any damaged cartilage or bone from the pelvis area will be removed along with part of the upper femur
  • The surgeon will install an artificial joint to replace the head, neck, and portions of the femur shaft
  • After properly securing the new joint in place, the incision area will be closed and you can experience a quicker return to normal

The Risks Of An Anterior Hip Replacement Surgery

As with any type of surgery in the hospital in Virginia, there will be risks, especially when muscles or tendons are involved. These risks will depend on your age, overall health, and how you prepare for the procedure. The most common risks that come with anterior hip surgery include the following:

  • Injuries to nerves
  • Blood clots
  • Dislocation of the hip joint
  • Infection at the site of the incision
  • Changes to the length of your leg
  • Loosening of the joints
  • Blood loss


There’s still the outside chance that the surgery will not resolve all of your hip joint pain or improve your mobility. It’s rare, but you could wind up suffering decreased mobility or increased pain following surgery, which is why it’s important that you go through rehabilitation.

The surgeon you work with at OrthoBethesda in Virginia will have an open, honest conversation with you regarding the procedure before you schedule it so you know all of the potential risks associated with it. As with all types of procedures, it’s important to have all of your questions answered prior to going under the knife. Postoperative pain is not uncommon and it can be mitigated with rest, medication, and physical therapy when going through your post-operative procedures after being released from the hospital.

Contact OrthoBethesda in Arlington, Virginia for Anterior Hip Replacement Surgery Today

The team at OrthoBethesda has built a strong reputation over the past few decades as a trusted surgical team for just about any type of orthopedic need for patients of all ages. We set ourselves apart from everyone else because of our commitment to excellent outcomes and top care for our patients. All of our procedures are minimally invasive and have less scarring, helping you get back to your normal life in as little time as possible. Our clinic is located in the Virginia Hospital Center. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to discuss your hip and knee problems with a trusted member of our team.