Remplissage Procedure
If you have a Hill-Sachs lesion in your shoulder, you may need to undergo a Remplissage procedure to treat it effectively. Our team of doctors at OrthoBethesda has the expertise and skill required to provide this treatment for residents of Bethesda, MD, and its surrounding area. We offer compassionate care, and we’re committed to helping you regain the full functioning of your shoulder as soon as possible.
Doctors often use the Remplissage procedure in combination with arthroscopic Bankart or the arthroscopic anterior stabilization surgical procedure. The Remplissage procedure is an effective way to lower the risk of shoulder instability.
What Is the Arthroscopic Remplissage Technique?
This procedure is used when there’s an extensive Hill-Sachs lesion in the shoulder. This lesion engages the anterior glenoid — shoulder socket, and there’s inadequate space for overhead movement.
In many cases, doctors use the Remplissage technique after dealing with the Bankart lesion. There’s no need for additional surgical incisions. During the procedure, we place the arthroscope into the anterior portal to see the Hill-Sachs lesion, which is located on the posterior part of the humeral.
A burr is introduced via the posterior to decorticate the lesion. Then, a large anchor gets inserted into the Hill-Sachs defect via the posterior portal. Sutures are injected into the posterior capsule and the infraspinatus tendon before they are tied with a parachute technique.
Benefits of the Remplissage Procedure
The main advantage of the Remplissage technique is the capability to handle the Hill-Sachs defect without touching the anterior glenoid rim. It’s ideal for patients who suffer instability because they have prominent Hill-Sachs lesions. These patients often have a higher rate of failure than patients with small lesions. The Remplissage technique has a much lower recurrence rate than surgeries involving arthroscopic Bankart repair only.
How Long Is the Remplissage Procedure Recovery Time?
Recovery time can vary depending on the extent, severity, and type of injury. This kind of surgical procedure is arthroscopic, and it offers a quicker recovery time than an open surgical procedure.
You may experience pain and discomfort for the first seven days after the surgery. Your shoulder should stay in a sling for four to six weeks unless you’re over 50 years old in which doctors may remove your shoulder from a sling sooner to prevent stiffness.
Your physician will examine you regularly and tell you when to start physical therapy. Therapy begins with simple passive movements without contracting any muscles. Next, you will practice limited motion and stay away from pulling, pushing, and lifting heavy objects. Within three months, you should start moderate exercise to increase your range of motion and build muscle strength.
What Is Remplissage Procedure Rehab?
After you’ve completed the initial stages of rehabilitation, you can move on to other activities with the help of your physical therapist. Initially, you’ll need to avoid activities such as running, throwing and swimming.
Your doctor will also help you work out a rehabilitation plan that will reduce the risk of having complications such as shoulder arthritis.(301) 530-1010
Further Reading
The Ultimate Guide For Shoulder Recovery Surgery
How to Sleep After Shoulder Surgery

Get in touch
Contact OrthoBethesda for More Information About the Remplissage Procedure
If you’ve been diagnosed with a Hill-Sachs lesion, please contact us now to discuss your treatment options. Call OrthoBethesda at (301) 530-1010 to book an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon today. We’re committed to helping you relieve your shoulder pain and restoring its full strength and functionality as soon as possible.