General Instructions
Initially perform 10 repetitions of each exercise, 3 times per day. Increase to 20 repetitions, 3 times per day as tolerated. Make sure to adhere to the Total Hip Precautions, if applicable. (Precautions are listed on the next page.) Discontinue the exercises and contact your physician or physical therapist if you experience a significant increase in pain after exercise.
Lying on Back
- Ankle Pumps
- Quad Sets
- Glute Sets
- Heel Slides
- Hip Shifts
- Hip Rotation/Windshield Wipers
- Short-Arc Quad
- Hip Abduction and Adduction
- Long-Arc Quads
- Abduction Hold
- Adduction Hold
- Hip Shifts
- Marching in Place
- Hip Flexion
- Hip Extension
- Hip Abduction
- Knee Flexion
Total Hip Precautions (Posterior Approach only)
- Usually maintained for 6 weeks
- Avoid the following movements:
- Bending your hip greater than 90º
- Do not sit in a low chair
- Your hips should always be higher than your knees while sitting
- Do not lean forward
- Do not raise your foot up high
- Do not sit in a low chair
- Crossing your leg beyond midline (belly button/nose)
- Do not sleep on your non-surgical side. This may cause your surgical leg to cross midline.
- Pivoting on your surgical leg or turn the leg inward
Exercise List
Lying on Back
- Ankle Pumps: Bend your foot up and down.
- Quad Sets: Tighten the muscles on the front of the thigh by pushing the back of your knee into the bed. Hold for 5 seconds, then relax. You may place a towel under your knee as needed.
- Glute Sets: Squeeze your buttocks together. Hold for 5 seconds, then relax. If you are able to lie on your stomach, the exercise can also be performed from this posture.
- Heel Slides: Bend your knee by sliding the heel of your foot toward your hips. Hold for 5-10 seconds, then return to the starting position.
- Hip Shifts: Keeping both knees straight, lengthen one leg by shifting the hip down away from you while simultaneously shortening the other leg by shifting the hip up toward you. Repeat in the opposite direction.
- Hip Rotation/Windshield Wipers: Keeping both knees straight, rotate your knees outward, then rotate them back to vertical
- Do not allow your knees/toes to point inward!
- Short-Arc Quad: Place a folded pillow or rolled towel under the knee so that the knee is bent and the heel rests on the bed. Straighten your knee by tightening the muscles on the front of your thigh. Hold for 5 seconds, then slowly lower.
- Hip Abduction and Adduction: Keep the knee straight and resting flat on the bed, and point your toes up vertically throughout the entire exercise. Tighten the muscles around the thigh and slowly slide the leg out to the side before returning to midline.
- Do not cross the surgical leg past midline!
- Long-Arc Quads: Lean your trunk backwards slightly from the hips. Lift your lower leg off of the floor by straightening your knee as much as possible. Hold for 5 seconds, then slowly lower.
- Abduction Hold: Keep your feet flat on the floor and facing straight ahead. Place your hands on the outside of each thigh. Push your thighs outward against your hands, creating muscle tension but not motion. Hold for 5 seconds, then relax.
- Adduction Hold: Keep your feet flat on the floor and facing straight ahead. Place your hands on the inside of each thigh. Push your thighs inward against your hands, creating muscle tension but not motion. Hold for 5 seconds, then relax.
- Hip Shifts: Keeping your feet flat on the floor, push one knee forward while pulling the other knee back. Repeat in the opposite direction
Standing (use solid countertop/sink for support)
- Hip Shifts: Lift your legs up and down, one at a time.
- If you have had a Posterior Approach, do not lift your knee higher than your hip!
- Hip Flexion: Keeping your feet flat on the floor, push one knee forward while pulling the other knee back. Repeat in the opposite direction
- If you have had a Posterior Approach, do not lift your knee higher than your hip!
- Do not perform this exercise if you experience groin pain.
- Hip Extension: Keeping your knee straight and your toes pointed down, push the leg back behind you. Hold for 5 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.
- Make sure not to bend your back.
- Hip Abduction: Keeping your knee straight and toes facing forward, lift the leg out to the side. Hold for 5 seconds, then slowly lower. Keep your hips level throughout the exercise.
- Knee Flexion: Bend your knee back behind you, aiming the heel toward the buttocks. Hold for 5 seconds, then slowly lower.

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