Most Common Sports Injuries
We see a lot of sports injuries in our office, and they generally fall into two categories. The first consists of overuse injuries, where making the s [...]
How to Prevent Sports Injuries
Playing sports provides an excellent way for kids and adults to get the exercise they need and find an outlet for their competitive spirits. But sport [...]
What Is a Sports Medicine Physician?
Did you know that there are doctors whose job is to treat athletes? Their training is focused on keeping people who play sports healthy, whether those [...]
Guide to Preventing Running Injuries
There are approximately 47 million runners and joggers in the U.S., and more than half of those people run at least once a week. Whether you run com [...]
How to Prevent Concussions for Every High Impact Sport
Quick Navigation What Is a Concussion? What Causes a Concussion? Does Age Play a Factor in Concussion Risk? How a Concussion Happens in High [...]
Why College & High School Athletes Need Sports Medicine
Did you know that physical therapy can help your young athlete deal with pains and sudden sports injuries? A physical therapist can help your athlete [...]